Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis of Imitiaz Dharker’s Poems

Imitiaz Dharker was born in Lahore, Pakistan in the year 1954. She is a poet, documentary film-maker and an artist. Her family moved from Lahore to Glasgow when she was less than year old. Presently she divides her time between London and Mumbai. Her other works includes Purdah and other poems (1988), Post Cards from God (1997), I speak for devil (2001), Terrorist at my table (2006), Leaving foot prints (2009). Dharker is also a documentary film-maker and has scripted and directed over a hundred films and audio-visuals, centering on education, reproductive health and shelter for women and children. In 1980 she was awarded a Silver Lotus for a short film. She is also an accomplished artist. The main themes of her poetry include home, freedom, journeys, geographical and cultural displacement, communal conflict and gender politics. Today she is considered as one of the most important contemporary poets. The theme of social exclusion can be clearly seen in both of the poems. It is also her background and her personal experience that influence her work. In her poem Minority, Imitiaz Dharker talks about the condition and the problems faced by a person who belongs to a minority. As her other notable works even in this poem her own cultural background and her personal experiences can be clearly understood. When we first see the tittle we can clearly infer that it has something to do with minority group or people belonging to minority. The tittle says it all. It is a first person narrative but it is difficult to find out the gender of the speaker. Let’s just take into account that the speaker is a female. There is a heavy use of metaphor in the poem. So the speaker says, she was born a foreigner and after that wherever she went she carried the tag of foreigner with her. These lines can be directly linked with the life of the poet herself as she was born in Lahore but soon the family shifted. So even where the speaker was born she is foreigner in that country. Further the speaker says that she went to places where her relatives stayed but, just like the roots of tubers even when the hold was deep within she felt like she was an outsider like she didn’t belong there. Everything was new to her. This is probably a reference to poets’ home country. People like to maintain a safe distance from a person who is different than them. The people who are supposed to understand the speaker are the ones who distance themselves from her just because she is a minority, isolating her culturally and socially. This people are the educated ones who are isolating her. The speaker has compared herself to a clumsily translated poem. Her life is a poem but a translated one which lacks the grace and is full of gawky moments. She doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. She can’t find a place where she can adapt because she is never given a chance to do so. Cooking food in coconut has long been a Indian tradition. To people she is like the food cooked in coconut. The mention of ghee and cream contradict each other because both of them belong to different cultures. So where people expect ghee and cream speakers’ life is like food cooked in coconut and it gives an aftertaste of neem and cardamom instead of two good items like ghee and cream. Neem and cardamom it’s bitter and people don’t like it. Whether it’s in her home country or any other country and thus makes her a minority. There comes a point when people find her language strange and don’t seem to accept her. It’s like she has landed into a trap by saying anything to the people at all. They are just waiting for their traps to work and are waiting to put her down and make her a minority on basis of her language. There is an frame fixed in the minds of people, a perfect frame which is as good as them and they view everyone through this frame but when the speakers picture comes into the frame the frame slips. Her picture is not good enough for the frame like they can’t accept someone like her, someone from the minority and that she is not good enough to be with them not good enough to be called as their own. They see someone who is not tuned with them, someone who is not like them, someone who is from a different world, someone like a ghost. For them the speaker stands out for apparently all wrong reasons and she is an outsider to them, in their midst she is an alien. So the speaker sits scratching throughout her lonely nights. It can be interpreted as she is scratching a desperate plea a message on a piece of paper. But if we infer the deeper meaning it can also mean that she is scratching because she is feeling uneasy, she is scratching over the scab of division and the label that she is a minority. She is scratching over the scab of people treating her minority over her skin colour. ‘A page doesn’t fight back’, according to me this is the most powerful line in the whole poem. By page here she is referring to a minority person like herself. The speaker hopes that whatever she has spoken so far shoots through the thick layer of stereotypes the community has set and the noise of repression of the community. So whole carrying on with this life of hers, the speaker comes across a person who is stranger to her yet there is something about the person that makes her feel like she knows him or her. The face of the person is pure and simple without any mask of stereotypes. The speaker can actually read through the persons face and his or her outcast eyes. She comes to a realization that the person is like her a minority. She comes to a realization that she is not only the one who is an outcast, one who has no place to call home and one who is a foreigner wherever she goes. It gives speaker some hope to know that she doesn’t stand alone. The poem reflects the life of the poet herself. While she visits India people view her as a visitor and also because she is a Muslim, who come under minority in our country. On the other hand when she is in western countries people view her as an immigrant. The poem gives us an idea about the feelings of people belonging to minority. ‘They’ll say: â€Å"She must be from another country†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The poem, ‘they’ll say: â€Å"She must be from another country†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is also written by Imitiaz Dharker. The poem is a sharp critic on various forms of exploitation that are carried in India as well as in different parts of world. The poem is about how people of the world can’t come to terms with a person who is liberal and open-minded. The poet has criticized old and traditional minds. The poem gives various indirect references to racial discrimination, state repression and curbing the right to freedom of expression. We have examples of painters like MF Husain and writers like Salman Rushdie who were opposed at different times due to their work. The poet talks about them indirectly without mentioning their names. Numerous films have been opposed just because they clash with some minds. The speaker is a female as it is clearly said in the poem and as well as the tittle. In country like India or any other country for that matter, not everything is welcomed open mindedly. Pieces of literature and art which are found to be offensive are taking down while not looking or hearing what the creator of the masterpiece wants to say about it. Whether he she really means any offence to particular religion, group of people and if he or she wants to hurt any sentiments. There are some traditional and orthodox minds that do not seem to respect freedom of expression. In today’s ever changing and modern world lines like right to freedom of speech and expression are only to say but in reality this things are not welcomed. Certain anti-social minds think they are protecting their identity or uplifting the interests of their religion or community. But this is not true. They are just not bold enough to take whatever falls on their ears even if it is the truth. So as the speaker says books are burned and paintings are taken down. Just because the thoughts expressed in those pieces of work clash with the orthodox thinking. Sometimes even the educated minds do this. Of course all are open to say whatever they want but I think it can be done in a better way other than taking down the books and the paintings. This people aren’t mature enough to accept ideas which come across them. We have numerous examples of books which have been banned. They condemn the pieces of master pieces to dust when a particular piece of art is found disturbing. Art is expressed in different ways. Every artist has his or her own style of expressing their ideas on a paper. Not all naked pictures of Gods and Goddesses are painted to tarnish a particular religion. We need to look through the artist’s eye to understand them to understand the beauty of it. Burning the work isn’t going to help. There are cases in our country when artists were forced to leave the country. Whenever this happens we lose these valuable masterminds. Then the speaker also talks about films which are banned. Whenever films are released on controversial topics, there are people who oppose their screening and in most of the cases even stop them from getting screened. They vandalize the cinema houses and destroy the property if their demands are not met. When the speaker questions such behavior she is told that she must be from another country. It indirectly indicates that this type of behavior is not going to stop and that it happens often. There are times when a person is criticized due to the language and accent. They point it out and explain it the way it should be spoken and they’ll say she must be from another country. The speaker further says when she walks with her head up, with dignity, commanding respect they criticize. As being a woman they expect her to keep her head down and walk as if she’s some less of the person. When the speaker wears table cloth to go to town, it means when she wears different type of clothes like stylish clothes she is condemned. Even today i8n certain places women are not allowed to wear western outfits. The speaker says there is discrimination on the basis of colour and sexual orientation of a person. If any Indian or Asian goes in western countries, they are often discriminated on the basis of their skin colour. The speaker also says that, if a person is gay then he or she is not accepted in society by the orthodox minds. Hence when they see a black person or a gay they whisper to each other that he or she doesn’t belong here. The speaker further adds about how there is a huge gap between a country like India and other western countries like the Great Britain. They find the speakers habits disgusting. Such as eating olives and spitting out the pits, peeing outside. These people belong to a sophisticated place and hence do not like such things. The mention of Bombay shows that she is clearly talking about India. The places like opera are meant for serious minded and elite class of society. So the speaker says when she yawns in opera and laughs, they do not like it. They say very sadly and with disgust that she is same as rest and does not belong here. So due to all this un-acceptance she receives everywhere, the speaker says that maybe there is a country foe all the freaks like herself. By freaks she means the liberal minded people who are considered as freaks by the orthodox minded people. This are the people who do not owe any allegiance or loyalty to the old fat fools who wear the uniform. By this she does not necessarily mean the police. It means all those people in power and influence. According to her they are the one who act like crooks and thugs and take away the rights of people when they are the ones supposed to protect the interests of people. The people with power suppress anyone who comes in their way and by doing so they break the same rules which they are supposed to abide by. Further the speaker says the country is just for namesake and to her and other people like her it doesn’t look like a country at all. There are cracks all over and people like her live behind the backs of those who rule with their cruel power. There are divisions and this is tearing up the country. So the words like national integration and universal brotherhood look good only in books and pages. The speaker has never understood this eccentric behavior and is at peace with it. She is happy that she is not associated in any way with the fat old fools and happy that she remains an alien to the customs and traditions. She readily accepts the tag of outsider. She accepts that she indeed belongs to a different country which probably doesn’t exist. A country where freedom is put down and chained in every way possible. The two poems are related to each other. In both poems the person is made to feel different and unwanted and in the end somehow in both poems the speakers have found some hope and solitude.

D1 stakeholders in M&S Essay

There are many people and groups that have an interest in the running and the functions of Oxfam and we call them stake holders. Below I will give examples of stake holders and explain how they take an interest and how they influence the company. Throughout D1 I will be stating the different stake holders and their influences in the business ‘Marks & Spencer’. I will also be grading the different stakeholders from 1-10 depending on their affectivity in influencing changes in Marks & Spencer’s. Customers Customers are big stakeholders in any retail business including Marks & Spencer. Customers contribute to profit levels and turnover through buying products and services. They also have a large influence on the running of the business. This could be from requesting changes to better their needs or the needs of the environment. Without the customers of a business there would be no business simply because there would be no one to purchase the products. Customers are so important to the business that M&S introduced the loyalty card program which allows for special promotions, and special offers. This provides customers with more of a reason to shop with M&S due to the fact that it gives them bonuses for their loyalty. Customers demand a range of things, such as: cheap prices, high quality products, and a high level of customer service. Evidence of the influence that customers have is the implementation of the purchasing of carrier bags at the check-out till in their various stores. Customers will have complained that the business was not environmentally friendly enough due to their ethical persona. And this would have had an impact on the shareholders and they would have taken the information given into consideration and implemented change. For the Customers in Marks & Spencer’s I would grade them an 8 out of 10. This depends on the level the employee is at. All of the employees from managers to floor workers have a great deal of influence however the influence is greatened as you go higher up in the hierarchy. This is because the higher you are the more power and the closer you are to the shareholders who can choose whether or not to implement change.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Robbie the Reindeer – Evaluation of the scene in the woods

We have been looking at the animation ‘Robbie the Reindeer'. This is an evaluation of the scene when Robbie and Blitzern are fighting in the hover car in the woods. The scene starts off with Robbie on a rocket chasing after the evil Blitzern who is getting away on a hover car. The animators show movement with the trees rushing by. The camera angle change from low shots of Robbie on the rocket to fast panning shots of Robbie flying past on the rocket. There are SFX of the wind rushing by and the rocket and the cars engines. The music is getting louder and louder to build tension. The music is quite fast and has a definite beat so that we can feel the tension. The strong beat could represent the tension before an army goes into battle or even the racing heartbeat of Robbie and Blitzern. Another good thing that I noticed was that the Reindeers ears even flapped in the wind. The fight starts and there is a struggle. Blitzern has Robbie down and says, ‘ Now is when you die'. Just as he says this we see Donner, Robbie's girlfriend' in the background. She has been shot out of a cannon and is fast approaching. It is a low shot and Donner looks like she is about to come and crash into the camera. Just as she is about to hit the camera the angle changes to a side view and we see her crash into the Car. She then pulls herself up and stands tall. She starts having a go at Robbie for not being a good boyfriend and all the usual things. While she is saying this Robbie is trying to explain whilst being strangled by Blitzern. Blitzern finally stops fighting Robbie and Says to Donner, ‘How do you expect us to have a fight with you going on like that!?' He then tries to sort out Donner and Robbie's problems. The music has stopped by this time and all we can hear it the engine on the car and the wind rushing by. Robbie and Donner sort out their differences and Robbie asks Donner to marry him. As this is happening the music fades back in but in a more romantic mood. Just as Donner is about to accept Blitzern cuts in and says ‘ Oh, how sweet, But Now is when I KILL YOU!' as he says this, the music gets louder and more dramatic. It is ironic that he says this as he has just helped them get engaged! It is a low camera angle looking up on Blitzern to make him look big and powerful. Then the camera changes to look on Donner. She is standing up with her hands on her hips in an intimidating fashion. The angle is again low looking up to her. She says ‘No one, but No one hurts my Fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½!' The camera zooms into her face and we can see that she is very angry. The music has changed again and is still dramatic and tension building but not as loud because it is more feminine. She punches Blitzern and he is wrapped around a tree branch and shoots off up into the sky. The music is now in a triumphant style because Robbie and Donner have won. Blitzern then falls to the ground and bounces in to the jail, which is already, crammed full of his rabbit helpers. Then we see that the Park has been turned into a Viking Disco Park. We see a DJ on the decks playing Robbie Williams' Rock DJ tune. This is linked to Robbie the reindeer's name and also the music is very contemporary and happy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The American welfare program encourages abuse and Entitlement Research Paper

The American welfare program encourages abuse and Entitlement - Research Paper Example The welfare program in the U.S. encourages abuse and entitlement by altering the resilient attitude of vulnerable groups. â€Å"Members of vulnerable populations have often displayed remarkable resilience and ingenuity in addressing their own needs† (Jansson 5). In low income communities, informal support systems are usually in place. Neighbors and church members help each other. For some groups, demand for welfare services is even lower. â€Å"Foreigners have lower health expenditures than native-born Americans and contribute more to the economy, both in productivity and taxes, than the public service they may receive† (Viladrich 825). When welfare programs broadly target certain groups without considering particular needs for purposes of determining eligibility, the attitude of resilience can shift to dependence. â€Å"In a welfare state context, multiculturalism may not be beneficial for immigrants at all, because it may lead to dependence on welfare-state arrangeme nts and thereby to social and economic marginalization†. Dependence can lead to abuse. The American welfare program encourages abuse and entitlement in not addressing social barriers to employment. Welfare recipients commonly face â€Å"low or few job skills, low educational attainment, lack of jobs in the community, and problems with transportation as barriers to finding and sustaining employment† ... When social welfare acts as a buffer for low income families without being linked to empowerment, this encourages dependent attitudes that breed abuse. The welfare program in the U.S. encourages abuse and entitlement by altering the resilient attitude of vulnerable groups. â€Å"Members of vulnerable populations have often displayed remarkable resilience and ingenuity in addressing their own needs† (Jansson 5). In low income communities, informal support systems are usually in place. Neighbors and church members help each other. For some groups, demand for welfare services is even lower. â€Å"Foreigners have lower health expenditures than native-born Americans and contribute more to the economy, both in productivity and taxes, than the public service they may receive† (Viladrich 825). When welfare programs broadly target certain groups without considering particular needs for purposes of determining eligibility, the attitude of resilience can shift to dependence. †Å"In a welfare state context, multiculturalism may not be beneficial for immigrants at all, because it may lead to dependence on welfare-state arrangements and thereby to social and economic marginalization† (Koopmans 2). Dependence can lead to abuse. The American welfare program encourages abuse and entitlement in not addressing social barriers to employment. Welfare recipients commonly face â€Å"low or few job skills, low educational attainment, lack of jobs in the community, and problems with transportation as barriers to finding and sustaining employment† (Blalock, Tiller, and Monroe 134). Welfare is only one component of the poverty alleviation formula. These barriers have to be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

World War 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World War 2 - Essay Example To ensure that there was improvement of the social economy of the US, there had to be personal sacrifice. The personal sacrifice would be realized through payment of higher taxes funds. Also for sustainable development, the globe should have been founded upon vital freedoms of humans. The first of the four freedoms was that of expression and speech, freedom of worship, freedom from fear and freedom from want. According to this essay, a society that is good should have been in a position to face global domination schemes as well as foreign revolutions with no fear portrayed. The order of the world being sought as per the essay is that of cooperation as far as free nations was concerned, working as a friendly unit and as a society displaying civilization. (The ordeal of world war II, pp 228-230) The second essay is essay number five about a Japanese American reminiscing the impact of internment upon the unity of Family in 1942. As per the essay in 1942, the department of war took change of camps in entirety. Afterwards, machines of sewing were brought into the barracks and these barracks became transformed into a factory of clothing. Because of the bad conditions in the kitchens food got most of the soldiers sick with diseases like typhoid and other stomach ailments. The essay also says that the conditions of toilets were deplorable, that inside them, the floors were covered with human excrement and blocked bowls. All the toilet blocks were housed in similarly designed building blocks. Inside the toilet blocks, they were built in a similar type of design in ten camps. These camps ran from the California area all the way to Arkansas. Each block was a room that was totally open, built on a slab of concrete. Sinks were usually a metal trough that was long, put against a single wall and a spigots’ row with both hot as well as cold water. In the center of a room were a dozen toilet bowls arranged in pairs of six and these were

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Hawaiian revolution ( History of the United States ) Essay

The Hawaiian revolution ( History of the United States ) - Essay Example This paper will look at some of the events that led to the Hawaiian Revolution, and what the revolution meant to the people of Hawaii during that period. Being a monarchial state, Hawaii was ruled by a royal family, which ensured the safety and protection of the land. The king, David Kalakaua, got his authority from the people of Hawaii after successfully managing to reduce the power of the missionaries in the region. He ruled but was unsuccessful in completely eliminating the foreign powers in Hawaii, who would later turn against him. This led to the drafting of a new constitution that would limit his authority (Lightner 67). After the death of the king, Liliuokalani, his sister, succeeded him in 1891 and she refused to recognize the constitution in place opting to bring forth another that would give the native Hawaiians the right to vote and restore power to the monarch. It was at this point that the wealthy American class in Hawaii chose to establish the 13-member committee, which would ensure that the queen was overthrown for her treachery against the constitution. The coup took place on January 17, 1893 after the shooting and wounding of a police officer who tried to cease armament meant for the committee. In order to avert violence in the region, the queen opted to surrender peacefully after her palace was surrounded by the committee’s militia. It was at this point that the committee put in place a government that would rule the region and had a president who was given the authority to rule over the dominion. In 1895, however, a group of Hawaiian loyalists who believed in the old ways and traditions started their own coup, but failed in securing the region back to its rightful owners (Fritz 59). In some history books, this has been identified as the counter-revolution, which was brief and the lack of casualties makes it largely forgotten by most people. After its failure, the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Change and Continuity in Contemporary Business Essay - 1

Change and Continuity in Contemporary Business - Essay Example A smart enterprise would keep a close eye on the changes in competitive advantages of the organization and realign their strategies & policies such that the business revenues and market share can be sustained. Such enterprises grow globally by carefully choosing their countries/regions of expansion after analysis of the external & internal factors that can drive the competitive advantages of the company in those geographies. Ford Motors is one such smart enterprise that has been changing their strategies & policies to sustain the challenges posed by the local factors in a country by not only globalizing rapidly but also changing their strategies pertaining to their regions of operations. This report presents the internal and external factors and the corresponding responses by Ford Motors to sustain as well as grow their business globally. Balanced Score Card System developed by Kaplan and Norton via their book "Balanced Score-Card - Translating Strategy into Action" published in 1996 (Source: Ford Motors was incorporated by Henry Ford in 1903 in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. Henry Ford is known to have adapted practices that were not popular in those days - like, doubling per day wages and reducing the shifts from 9 hours to 8 hours. It was the worker friendly policies that boosted productivity of Ford much ahead of their competition. Ford is known for their methods of large scale car manufacturing and management of huge workforces globally. In 1911, Henry Ford established the first production unit outside USA in the UK by converting a tram works at Trafford Park that is in south of Manchester. In 1920, after the Second World War, the famous Dagenham facility was established that formed the base for launch of Ford Motor Company Limited (UK) in 1929 that was the hub of the European Ford organization (till the time Ford Motor Company Europe was established much later in 1967). In 1971 Ford combined the US, Canadian and Mexican operations together and established the North Ameri can Automotive Operations. The Dagenham facility was one of the most productive in assembly plant in entire Europe which, however, was closed in 2001 amidst some local factors that reduced the economy advantages of Ford manufacturing in Britain while the manufacturing in Germany and other parts of Europe was much more economical. The primary reasons for Ford manufacturing closure in Dagenham was the insurgence of shop-floor militants that developed a powerbase disrupting production by launching almost continuous Guerrilla warfare while Germany offered much more peaceful and strike free industrialization proposition. Moreover, Ford Motor Company

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Employees in an International Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employees in an International Market - Essay Example As Groenewald (2009) states, â€Å"staffing, training, compensation, and performance management are basically important tools in the human resources practices† (p. 1). In this paper, we will examine the functions of human resource department in managing employees in an international marketplace. Most Critical Human Resource Functions To manage employees in an international marketplace, the human resource department of a company needs to execute some critical functions. These functions not only ensure a smooth running of business processes but also help a company achieve its corporate goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Some of the most important HR functions in this regard include aligning recruitment process with corporate objectives, starting programs for employee training and development, and increasing employee motivation. Let us discuss these functions in some details to know their significance for a better management of employees. Aligning Recruitment with Corporate Objectives One of the main roles of the HR department is to align the employee recruitment process with the overall strategy of the company in order to build an inspired and productive workforce. Employee selection is one of those functions that are critical to ensuring a company’s success. It is the responsibility of the HR department of a company to recruit such people, who can prove themselves productive for the company through their skills, talent, and knowledge. A skilled and experienced employee is a key towards the success of a company. Therefore, global HR managers look for such people who can give improved performances and can ensure high levels of profits for the company through their performances. In today’s competitive world, recruiting and forming a diverse workforce...This paper stresses that employee training also plays a valuable role in ensuring long-term profitability of a company. Therefore, HR professionals put their efforts in investing i n employee training and development programs to improve the individual performances of employees as well as to increase an overall organizational productivity. Employee training and development also help in creating a pool of suitable replacements for the employees who either resign from their jobs or get promotions within the company, hence, leaving their positions available for other suitable candidates. Employee motivation is the combination of employees’ job-related behaviors, the level of efforts employees exert, and the employees’ level of determination. Companies are at risk of facing many setbacks with a lower level of employee motivation.This report makes a conclusion that effective human resource management is one of the most important factors that determine the success of a company in local and international markets. The main functions of the human resource department in managing employees in an international marketplace include strategic employee selection and recruitment, developing effective employee training programs, and increasing employee motivation to meet corporate goals and objectives. Some of the main outcomes of focusing on employee management in broader terms include selective and strategy-oriented recruitment of employees, improved organizational performance, improved business efficiency, and formation of a skilled workforce which is able to meet the requirements of the international business environment.

College is worthy or not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

College is worthy or not - Essay Example Education is costly and the cost of education has been rising against an almost constant after college salary. Rationally, evading unnecessary education should reduce cost and hence increase social wellbeing of citizens and it’s on these basis that critics of college education base their argument. The increasing demand for education is responsible for the increase in cost and it’s expected that wages reduce as more people enter the job market. Factually, increase in population is responsible for influx in demand for college education and hence so long as population rises, rising college fees is inevitable and reduced wages due out excess labor output could also pop up. However, as pay offs to college graduates stagnate, rewards to high school diploma holders reduce hence widening the gap between the two (TIME). The implication is that, employers still attach more value to college education regardless of the degree taken. Research shows that college graduates earn more t han their counterparts (Economist), moreover, those who do not have a college degree believe that they have less (Piew). Therefore, the only constraint to college education is the ever rising cost. Not going to college does not solve the problem as it reduces productivity and hence reducing the expected returns to capital, making all investments not viable. Mr. Thiel creates a controversy in the importance of education by offering an alternative to college education and then again criticizing the viability of the alternative (Piew). Thiel himself, developed his business idea while still in college, a proof that attending college does not restrain the individual to job market and hence lead only to the middle class as most people think. Under capitalism, the rich are few, but among the rich college graduates are richer than their high school counterparts. Thiel produces capital

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Video Games Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Video Games Violence - Essay Example For instance, there was the case of Virginia Tech massacre, where a student tragically ended the lives of his fellow students in April of 2007. This was just one of the violent acts affiliated with academic institutions, and numerous attributions of violent video games are easily available to anyone. In addition, this case worsens if one has the financial power to invest in a gaming console or just a computer, and even at times, if one can afford to spend time in cyber cafe. Analysts of the Virginia Tech incident sparked debate over violence in video games and their influence on the student who decided to massacre his fellow students. I believe this was the same reason Phil McGraw took to the television screens stating that video games of a violent nature and content have causal effects on the violent nature of the students conduct in killing his fellow college mates. Video games also have significant influences on the behavior of students in being violent towards their schoolmates, for instance, in the case of Phillip Kazmierczak, who shot his fellow students in Northern Illinois University, and evidence points to video games. This is following the fact that he was an avid gamer of violent games, although there may be some form of confounding in which other factors were overlooked prior to make such conclusions that may have led to the shootings. Similarly, video games have been proved to have a profound impact on the behavior of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebod, the main characters in the Columbine High shooting. The above said two, are known to have been fans and avid players of the game â€Å"Doom† (Ferguson 26). Even though records indicate that video games are not to blame for every act of school violence, every two out of five are directly related to video games. However, relying on statistics, video games are the highest causal agents of school shootings especially considering that there are many who view those that view video games as causal agents are only seeking to find a scapegoat. Personally, I believe it also means that, in spite of all opposition on the dangerous effects of games on the wellbeing and safety of students in college and institutions of learning, video games play a significant role. As of the case of Columbine High shooting, students who were well acquainted with the perpetrators gave detailed information on the level of exposure to violent games. This includes their networked computers in order to play games in multiplayer mode against each other and even against other computers. Moreover, the two perpetrators were exposed for hours on end, which can be perceived as a tool to harden and get their skills to the outside world, in this case, fellow students. Furthermore, with the games that the two were hooked on, â€Å"Doom and Quake†, the level of violence portrayed is not one that anyone can boast of considering it led to the real loss of human life. In addition, considering that the killings were d one by the two as a team, it appears more as a continuation of their gaming process in their favorite video games that saw the loss of twelve lives. In addition, once an individual is exposed to violent media, of which video games are included; their cognitive, affective and behavioral processes are altered (Funk et al 23). This process

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Telecom Sector report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Telecom Sector report - Research Paper Example persistent security challenges, robust growth in connectivity demand and continued innovation in services and devices that are utilized in the communication industry. Continued innovation and emergence of new technology has been of essence to the industry as the industry approaches maximum penetration into the United States market. It will be a challenge for the telecom industry to repeat the high performance that were registered in the past ten years as mergers yield higher concentration and consolidation of the players. The management of the telecom industry has hopes that the new technology and innovation will continue to create new opportunities as well as growth of the industry. The industry has recorded $ 750 billion of revenue across all segments. The revenue is expected to grow by +3.9% every year to reach almost 1.2 trillion dollars in total revenue (Huemann, 2014). As the number of the telecom segments continues to grow and penetrate into the market, growth over the next 10 years is more likely to slow as to nearly half of the growth that was registered in the last ten years even though the revenue is expected to increase by over $ 40 billion. The United States telecommunication industry encompasses advanced technology based services that includes the internet, wireless communication, satellites and fiber optics in addition to the traditional areas of local and long distance telephone services. The sector is also linked with entertainment of various types. Cable TV systems for example Comcast are offering high speed internet access and local telephone services. This paper will provide returns of the telecom industry; provide financial analysis, present tables and graphs showing the valuation multipliers, provide a description of telecom sector and discuss the social and economic factors that impact on the performance of the industry. Innovation, ingenuity, reasonable approach to spending and cost control will help propel the industry to the next level

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysis of Conan Doyles work Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Conan Doyles work Essay English coursework : A comparative essay on 2 Sherlock Holmes stories  The world has chosen to remember Sir Arthur Conan Doyle chiefly for his creation of the fictional master detective, Sherlock Holmes. This prestigious character has been hugely popular for over one hundred years shown in many different ways, whether it be books, television series, magazine articles, and so on.  Conan Doyle himself was born in Edinburgh, rather than the London setting that Sherlock Holmes lives and works. He actually set out to be an oculist, however when no patients came he had plenty of time to write his stories. Around the same time, The Strand magazine was first published, and Sherlock Holmes was printed for the first time in its pages. His stories were not long enough to be books of their own, and thrived as a regular part of their magazine. The Sherlock Holmes stories are written in a very upper class setting. Watson and Holmes take cabs everywhere, and have very high class mannerisms and habits, such as leaving a calling card if the person they have visited is not there. And Holmes himself carries round a cane with him a rather posh acquirement thought to be that of a gentleman. They also have a resident in the home to look after them both, and take care of the household, which could of course only be afforded by those of the higher class.  The fact that these stories were written in such a way is easily explained. The stories were written for the magazine, The Strand. In those times, very little people read magazines, and could afford to subscribe. Most people read newspapers, but these magazines were aimed at the higher class, and particularly for the gentleman, because a very small number of women were expected to be able to read, and so they did not benefit from such a publication. The Speckled Band and, The Red-Headed League are both very interesting stories. The structures of both are much the same, but that accounts for all of Conan Doyles creations in accordance to the Sherlock Holmes stories.  In accordance to this structure, The Speckled Band begins with a visit to the house from someone needing Holmess help. An element included right at the beginning of the story is the deduction Holmes makes of Helen. This is extremely typical of Conan Doyle as it is a feature he nearly always adds as each of his stories unfold. In The Speckled Band Holmes instantly deduces that she travelled early by dog cart on heavy roads to the station before travelling by train to London. The next lines describe Helen giving a violent start and staring at Holmes in bewilderment. This is also underlyingly very typical of Conan Doyle to include such a description, as it what he includes in all of his stories at this point. In direct comparison, The Red Headed League features a swift deduction of Jabez Wilson in which he concludes that the man done at some point manual labour, takes snuff, has a freemason, has been in China, and has done a considerable amount of writing recently. The line directly following on from that is set out exactly the same as in The Speckled Band and describes Jabez to Start up in his chair, with his forefinger upon the paper, but his eyes upon Holmes So we can conclude from this that this is an element Conan Doyle likes to include in his stories which also suitably gives a first time reader an idea of the way Holmess mind works.  Following on from that, a long monologue is heard which tells every detail of the story. This is unusual in stories written now. We can note that in real life no one tells a story in such detail, uninterrupted, and this reflects tracts of today. But it is actually very typical of writings at the time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Podcasts

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Podcasts Podcast has created a new world to communication and media. Podcast are used in a computer or a mobile device such as iPod. Podcast is a term adapted from the word iPod and broadcast. According to Wikipedia, podcast can be defined as a series of audio and video files or digital media files that are available on the Internet which is released incidentally and often being downloaded via web syndication. Meanwhile podcasting is a creative process which involves a few different components. The main purpose of podcast is to raise awareness among people. Messages on the important issues and topics can be delivered to people through podcasting or video blogging. Podcasting is a new way to earn money. One can earn good income through subscription if their podcast is good enough and popular. Besides that, podcast enable people to teach others. For instance, courses now are available on podcast and video blogs which was previously available on emails and websites that have unlimited choices. This gives a chance to those who has problem to read to just hear and see the course materials. Podcasting is used in education, business or commercial and entertainment. Podcasting function in education wise is for language learning, conferences, seminar and forum besides project demonstration and research. Meanwhile in business, podcast is used for marketing and promotions, training of staff, news and product or service demonstration. Chat radio and crazy talk are examples of podcasting function for entertainment. The major advantage of podcast is the demographics. Podcasting enables people to reach millions of listeners outside who has the chance to listen to your programs when they choose. Moreover, listeners have the privilege to listen again to the program that has already aired besides being able to play or pause and to rewind or fast forward. Besides that, podcasting is a new way to learn new languages. Instead of buying books to learn new language, listening would be an easy, quicker and better way to learn and at the same time improve our language skills. Last but not least, although, podcasting is the latest technology and created audio related programs, it also has its disadvantages. The list of the disadvantages of podcasting is time consuming, not searchable, accessibility problems and limited audience. Podcast consumes a lot of time especially if the file is larger. It is not usually easy to search in podcasting. Although several search engines can be used, however, sometimes it is impossible to search directly within the files. It is a challenge to upload and edit files which has a larger size and higher quality. It needs good and fast broadband connection. Besides that, the file format should be compatible not only iPod but also other devices. Even though, we are in a modern world now, not everyone owns a mobile device. Some people prefer to read instead of downloading and listening to audio files from the internet. The world that we are living now is moving forward with the help of technology. Technology plays an important role in our life which has made our life easier. Technology improvises the creation of the devices to a better one and the communication services such as introducing to the podcasting. Question 2: Facebook and Twitter are examples of Social Networks and Media Sharing Tools. By using the concept of anytime, anywhere learning, how these tools can be manipulated to take advantage of the passion young people for learning by tapping into the tools. Discuss in detail and provide example for each. SOCIAL NETWORKING Currently social networking has become a trend among the young people in worldwide. What is social network exactly? Social network is software or also better known as a website which connects and allows people around the world to come together and share ideas or topics of interest. The social network is used for communication and interaction among the people globally. The social network can be an effective way to promote business and also for learning process. Nevertheless, some parents think that it is a waste of time [if it is being misused, yes, it would be waste of time]. Facebook and Twitter are among the top and popular social network around the world. In July 2010, Facebook was announced as the worlds largest social network which has 500 million users around the world. The social network has introduced to a new way to communicate at anytime and anywhere. It is a way to keep in touch with friends from schools, colleges and the new friends we made via the social network. However , some parents think that the social network is a way their kids waste their time. [twice mentioned?] Do you know that besides sharing interest, one can use the social network for learning purpose? Thus, the social network becomes an advantage to the young people which indirectly manipulates them for learning. One of the ways to encourage young people to use social network for learning purpose is to create an account or group for the classroom. Student along with their classmates and teachers can share and exchange opinions on their learning. Furthermore, it facilities the students and also the teachers to surf the internet while having a discussion via the social network. Students can share online information such as notes, question and other learning related documents or materials among their friends and classmates. Besides that, this allows the teacher to pinpoint the students weakness and leave a comment [how?]. On the other hand, teachers can update the groups status by posting some questions, share information, videos or links and blogs to be discussed during class. Through this way, it encourages the students to do some research and be well prepared for the class. Besides that, students can send a quick message to their teachers regarding the class notes, class exercises, assignments and so on. Moreover, students can ask their teacher regarding their next lesson for the class which enables them to prepare earlier. Next, students can create a group which enables students from other class, schools and also students in their network friend list that probably from other states or countries to join. This enables varieties of ideas and information exchanged among student locally and also internationally. One of the advantages of exchanging ideas internationally is one can learn and practice new language. This also creates a new environment in the learning process. Lastly, the access to the famous online encyclopedia, Wikipedia can improve and increase the students knowledge. Last but not least, the advantage of social network for learning purpose is enables students to share various ideas and information. Social network gives a chance to get some exposures to various and multiple point of view through different people opinion and experiences. Students can also gain a chance to connect and talk to other student. They can exchange ideas and information during the learning process. It is a way to keep in touch among each other. Among the other advantage is to get immediate feedback from the learning process. Students can ask questions and receive the answers or response as soon as possible from teachers. This can develop a good understanding between the student and the teacher. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of social network is time consuming. Some students abuse the social network for different purpose such as dating. Therefore, the use of social network is a waste of time. The social network also lack of anonymity because some students provide information on themselves which others should not know such as age, gender, location and other personal details. This is because someone who has a bad intention might misuse on the information given. [There is a risk of identity theft]. The social network is beneficial to everyone no matter the younger or the older generation as long as it is used for a good purpose and intention. It is an alternative way to keep in touch with friends, relatives and whoever we know via the social network. ARTICLES What Are the Advantages of Podcasting? By Jennifer Uhl, eHow Contributor updated: March 14, 2010  · Podcasting is an audio distribution medium that offers numerous advantages over traditional broadcasting and distribution methods both online and off. Creating a podcast does not take a lot of expensive equipment and allows content creators to potentially reach millions of listeners on a global basis. The content of a podcast is delivered to subscribers via syndicated feeds, allowing users to listen on a Mac or PC as well as many types of portable media players. Subscribing to a Podcast  · Two of the benefits of podcasts are their distribution channels and methods of delivery. While users have the ability to download and listen to individual episodes of a specific podcast manually, many are automatically delivered to the users via media player software such as iTunes or Juice (Mac or PC). Most media player software will also sync a users selected podcast with her portable music player such as an iPod or Zune, requiring very little effort on the users behalf to always have the latest most up-to-date content that is available. Cost Effectiveness  · Podcasting is beneficial to individuals and businesses that seek to reach large audiences because of its cost effectiveness. A podcast requires only basic audio recording equipment to capture, and an Internet connection and means of delivering the podcast to listeners. With the basic hardware required, such as a microphone and computer, a place to host the podcast files and the necessary software for recording, any individual or group can create an effective podcast recording and share it on the Web. Advertising Potential  · Another advantage of podcasting is the advertising potential that comes with a podcast that has a decent listener base. A popular podcast with a large listening base can sell advertising slots to local companies or Internet companies to generate revenue. This creates additional revenue and advertising potential for any podcast that has a listener base. Podcast Demographics  · A major advantage to podcasting is the benefit of reaching millions of listeners who have the ability to listen to your programming when they choose. Additionally, listeners can pause or play a program, fast forward or rewind, and can listen to programming that has already aired. The number of podcast listeners grows daily as the technology evolves and becomes more ubiquitous on consumer electronics; the technology is only going to increase in popularity as podcasting recording and listening devices become more prevalent. 8 Ways to Use Social Networks in the Classroom Posted by M. Bamieh onJanuary 21, 2010 Twitter in Education Earlier, we talked about a few great resources for educators that are available for free online. These services were more focused on education and catering to their needs for creating internal social networking platforms, open-source blackboardsand conferencing applications. They were great resources but they all required some amount of set-up and involved a bit of a learning curve to get used to them. Today we are just going to share some ideas that help educators bring social networks into classrooms, utilizing some of the services that we all use. Ranging from Twitter to Skype we will share 8 ways that they can be used in the classroom. Create a Twitter Account Using Twitter for Teacher Student communication allows for short and quick messages exchange. This is useful for students and teachers to ask questions and might be a great resource for the teacher in the preparation of her class notes allowing her to know which areas to focus on. Using a Wiki An example of a wiki is the famous online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Wiki, by design, encourages discussion and interactivity, fostering in and out of class discussion. By creating an outline of a Wiki entry and allowing the students to edit and discuss the subject matter, it will help introduce a new and fun element to their homework, while at the same time encouraging debate. There are many creative ways to use Wikis in education. Create a Youtube Channel School material might be limited, dull and sometimes outdated. Students tend to navigate Youtube quite naturally, and it is one of their sources of information. By utilizing this familiar platform, you can create videos or slideshows that would provide some useful and relevant information, even link some other videos that are available on Youtube. This will also encourage students to reply with their own videos. Share Online Documents Students sometimes need quick access to the syllabus, worksheets, or some review notes.Slideshare and Scribd allow educators to upload all relevant online materials to one location. This allows students to reach those documents from their computers. Update Facebooks status Teachers can utilize FBs Status updates to post a question, share a piece of information, video or link that would open up the discussion for next class. This would encourage students to research and prepare for the next class, practically expanding the walls of the classroom into cyberspace. Be In Diigo Create an account and a group for the classroom, students and teachers and utilize Diigos great social bookmarking capabilities. Diigo allows users to create groups and networks in which they can share, annotate and collaborate on content all over the web. Further, it will allow teachers to augment the curriculums weak points with information and comments as you see fit. It could also be used to create an educational treasure hunt using annotations left on web pages. Check the video below to learn more about Diigo. What Are the Advantages of Social Networking? By: Dachary Carey The advantages of social networking are real, even though most parents see it as another way that kids waste time. Social networking has opened up a new way to communicate, so while your childs posts may not be essential today, your child is still learning skills that could be very valuable tomorrow. Work Connections One form of social networking thats growing in popularity is corporate social networking. You can use corporate social networking to form relationships with other people from your company, or people in other companies in an industry. You can also get references and build a reputation using corporate social networking tools. Its a great way to get yourself known and network in your field or industry. Keeping in Touch Social networking provides a great way for you to stay in touch with people who may have moved away. Normally, people try to stay in touch with friends via phone calls and the occasional letter or e-mail, but busy lives make it difficult to maintain contact. However, social networking is such a regularly used medium that its easy to stay in touch with people even when they move away. Get Feedback You can use social networking to get feedback on ideas immediately, or to ask questions and get answers quickly. If youre developing a product or even just an idea, you can bounce it off your friends and social networking contacts and find out what they think about it. You can also ask questions and receive answers in near-real-time, if your contacts know the answer or if youre a student in touch with teachers. Share Multiple Points of View Sheltered individuals may not understand how many different points of view that people have, and that its possible for people to hold drastically different beliefs. Social networking helps you learn about diversity and get exposure to multiple points of view. Ultimately, this exposure can help you to learn to look at things from different angles, and be more tolerant of other peoples opinions, things that go a long way in the working world. Talking to Other Students Many student organizations have specific social networks designed to help students connect. Social networking tools can be a great way for students to get in touch with other students in the same school, or when theyre considering a college or new school. Check with student organizations to see if they have a particular social networking tool, or type the school into your favorite social networking Web site and see what you find. Stay in Touch Anywhere Mobile social networking is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people have cell phones capable of running social networking applications. People can use mobile social networking tools to stay in touch with friends, and make plans on the fly. Mobile social networking tools are also great if youve got a long train or subway commute and want to stay in touch with friends and find out what theyre doing. Kids do need to learn to keep social networking under control. Some people get hooked on social networking, to the point that it interferes with getting things done. Teach your child when it is and isnt appropriate to use mobile social networking, and set a strict time limit for communicating at home.

Animal Farm And Russian Revolution

Animal Farm And Russian Revolution Many of the animals in Animal Farm direct represent the dominant figures in Soviet Union from the times of the Russian Revolution to the Tehran Conference. First of all, Old Major who appears at the beginning of the novel is the animal version of Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a philosopher who wrote The Communist Manifesto. This book talks about a communist government. This type of government abolishes class system and encourages equality among other human beings. Like Marx, Old Major also introduced the theory of Animalism where every animal should unite together against the humans. Old Major convinces the animal to believe in this theory by saying that their misfortunes can all be traced back to Man, who is the only creature that consumes without producing (Orwell, 7). In other words, Man takes advantage of the animals by forcing them to work themselves to death, while the Man does nothing but boss them around. Marx also wrote similar thing in his book when he talked about capitalist government taking advantage of the working class. Both Marx and Old Major never saw their theory come true during their lifetime but it was adopted soon after their death. Soviet Union adopted Communism in 1917 when Vladimir Lenin came to the power. Lenin was also another dominant figure in Soviet Union who resembles Old Major. He was the leader of the Bolshevik Party that seized control in the 1917 Revolution. He was inspired by Karl Marxs theory of Communism, which urges the workers of the world to unite against their economic oppressors. Like Lenin, Old Major outlines the principles of Animalism, a theory holding that all animals are equal and must revolt against their oppressors. Lenin was responsible for changing Russia into the U.S.S.R., as old Major is responsible for transforming Manor Farm into Animal Farm. The U.S.S.R.s flag depicted a hammer and sickle which was the tools of the rebelling workers and so the flag of Animal Farm features a horn and hoof. Se condly, Napoleon is an animal version of Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the second leader of the Soviet Union. After the revolution had occurred, Stalin was able to get rid of Trotsky, his main opponent. Like Stalin, Napoleon ran his opponent Snowball off the farm. Stalin then removed any other opponents and adopted some of their ideas. Likewise, in Animal Farm, Napoleon made sure no other animals would dispute him, and he took credit for Snowballs idea of building the windmill. Napoleon controlled the mind of the animals and some animals started believing that, Napoleon is always right, (Orwell, 48). Stalin and Napoleon both wanted their nations to be great, so they began to make plans to better their territories. While Stalin tried to industrialize the Soviet Union, Napoleon made plans to build the windmill to furnish electricity. Both also tried to get as much work as they could from the workers. Right before World War II, Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with Germany and trusted H itler to honour the terms. However, Stalin was deceived, and Germany invaded the Soviet Union. In Animal Farm Napoleon also trusted someone he should not have. Napoleon sold timber to Mr. Frederick, who deceived him by paying for the wood with false bank notes. Mr. Frederick and other farmers then tried to overrun Animal Farm, but they did not succeed like Germany never succeeds. Lastly, Character of Snowball is a representation of Leo Trotsky. Trotsky was one of the original revolutionaries but as Stalin rose to power he became one of Stalins biggest enemies, and was eventually expelled from the Politburo in 1925 after one year, Stalin took control of the nation. Politburo is a Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ( In the novel, Snowball was exiled from the farm just as Trotsky had been in 1929. Trotsky was not only exiled in person, he was also expelled from the minds of the Russian people, his historical role was altered; his face was erased from the photographs of the leaders of the revolution. In Russia he was denounced as a traitor and conspirator, and in 1940 a Stalinist agent assassinated him in Mexico City. Napoleon used propaganda techniques to erase Snowball from other animals minds. Napoleon used to say: This explains that how animals were supposed to blame Snowball for any mishap that occurs on the farm. Mankind in the Animal Farm is also a direct representation of dominant figures in the Soviet Union and its surrounding countries. Mr. Jones, who is a farmer and the owner of Manor Farm, represents the last Czar of Russia, Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov (Nicholas II). During the Czar Nicholas IIs reign, the Russian people experienced terrible poverty and turmoil, which was marked by the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1905 when protesters demanding social reforms were shot down by the army near Nicholas palace. Like citizens of Soviet Union, animals were also not happy with Mr. Jones control. They said, Mr. Jones, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. With the light from his lantern dancing [], he drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel [], and made his way up to bed[], (Orwell, 1). This shows that character of Mr. Jones demonstrates that having power in no way means one is responsible or worthy of that power. When Russia ent ered World War I and lost more men than any country in any previous war, the furious and desperate people began a series of strikes and rebellions that signalled the end of the Czars control. When his own generals withdrew their support of him, Nicholas renounced his throne in the hopes of avoiding a civil war but the civil war arrived in the form of the Bolshevik Revolution, when Nicholas, like Jones, was removed from his place of rule. Mr. Fredrick was an animal version of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was a ruthless dictator of Germany and was responsible for World War II. Mr. Frederick was also a tough, shrewd man, perpetually involved in law suits and with a name for driving hard bargains, (Orwell, 38). These characteristic are similar to Hitlers characteristic and actions. Through the course of the book, Fredrick becomes an enemy and then a friend and then an enemy again to Napoleon, who makes many secret deals and treaties with him. One of the major problems the two farms have i s the issue of the timber. Napoleon sells the wood to Frederick for bank notes, only to find that they are false. During the world wide depression, countries were forced by necessity to trade with other countries. One country would have a product or natural resource another country would not; therefore to survive, the country would trade. Many times the trades were unfair and fraudulent. This created many international problems. Also, the deal symbolized the Non-Aggression Pact between Hitler and Stalin prior to World War II. This pact was then broken by Hitler when he invaded the Soviet Union. The breaking of the pact is similar to Frederick giving false notes to Napoleon. Pilkington symbolizes all the allies of the World War II except the Soviet Union. Like the Soviet Union before World War II, Animal Farm wasnt sure who their allies would be. But after losing the relationship with Frederick (Germany), Napoleon (Stalin) decides to befriend Pilkington, and ally with him. Napoleon a nd the other pigs even go as far as inviting him over for dinner at the end of the book. Here Mr. Pilkington and his men congratulate Napoleon on the efficiency of Animal Farm. Russias allies, after the war, also admired its efficiency. Pilkington says, If you have your lower animals to contend with, we have our lower classes! (Orwell, 94). This represents the good relationship between them. Also, Pilkingtons large, poorly managed farm was figurative to the expansive British Empire, which was crumbling during the Second World War. This is in contrast to Frederick, who has the opposite scenario for a small, better managed farm. After the end of World War II, the Cold War was ignited between the US and the Soviet Union, similar to the end of the meeting where both Napoleon and Pilkington play simultaneously Ace of Spades, then get into a bad argument over it. Many of the key events in The Animal Farm are representation of the events that occurred in the Soviet Union. Building of the windmill is a symbol of Stalins Five Year Plan. Just as the windmill was promised to make the animals life easier, the Five-Year Plan was supposed to improve the Soviet industry as well as the working class life by increasing production and allowing the Soviets to shorten the work-week. And just like the windmill, Stalins plan was a failure. After the destruction of the Windmill, the Animals decided to build another one and in real-life, Stalin also kept mixing out new Five-year Plans promising that each new plan would solve all of Russias problems and bring the USSR closer to equality with the industrialized nations of the west. Snowball was in a league with Jones from the start! He was Joness secret agent all the time, (Orwell, 53), was Napoleons excuse to make the animals angry when the windmill was destroyed. This made animals to finish the windmill to sho w Snowball their unity. Battle of Cowshed represents the civil war between the Tsarists forces and Bolsheviks. This war is also known as the Red October. This is where the Tsarists tried to take back the reign but they were defeated again. In the novel, Mr. Jones tried to back his farm but he was defeated. This only strengthens the animal farm. Animal Revolution represents Russian Revolution as a whole. There are a few things to notice about the Battle of Cowshed. First, Snowball (Trotsky) emerges as a military hero. Second, Mollie the horse, who represents the Russian upper-middle-class runs off and plays little role in the battle. Third, Boxer, or the double for the working class, reveals himself as a powerful military force. As the narrator tells us, the most terrifying spectacle of all was Boxer, rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great iron-shod hoofs like a stallion, (Orwell, 28). The Animal Revolution was supposed to make life better for everyone, but the l ife was worse at the end. The leaders also became the same as, or worse than, the other farmers (humans) they rebelled against. Even Russian Revolution was supposed to fix problems created by Czar, but the life became even worse after revolution. Both of these revolutions are based on the Communist theory and they both created tensions among the working and higher classes. Many of the events, humans, and animals in the novel Animal Farm are direct representations of Soviet Unions and its surrounding areas. As you can see almost every event in the novel can be traced directly to an event in Russia during the period from 1900-1943, the overthrowing of Nicholas the Second to the battle of Cowshed. also all most all of the characters from Animal Farm can be traced to a person or group of people involved in the Russian Revolution for example Napoleon represents Stalin in the way that he is obsessed with keeping power, and that he gives the pigs special treatment, also the way he use propaganda to make outsiders believe everything is great and that he is a god like leader who could never do wrong. One of the most obvious reasons that napoleon represents Stalin is the way Napoleon over threw Snowball the way Stalin over threw Lenin. Also as is proven by the previous statement Snowball represents Lenin, in the way that he took the teachings of Old major (Karl Marx) and over threw Mr. Jones (Nicholas the second). Snowball was great speakers as was Lenin, both were highly regarded by their followers and both were betrayed by their comrades. Work Cited Orwell, George. Animal Farm;. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. Print. George Orwell Animal Farm Interpretation of Characters and Symbols =. The Complete Newspeak Dictionary from George Orwells 1984. Web. 10 Jan. 2011. . Politburo. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2011. Merriam-Webster Online. 6 January 2011 Grofman, Bernard. Pig and Proletariat: Animal Farm as History. Irvine: School of Social Sciences, University of California, 1978. Print. The History of Russian Revolution. Marxist. Web. 10 Dec. 2011. .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

African-americans Segregates Themselves :: essays research papers

The argument that African-Americans segregates themselves from other groups is not a valid argument. It is not partly because of history, since municipal ordinance in the early 1900's determined where African-Americans could live, which are now considered ghettos. A reason why this ordinance was in existence is because Chicago is an older city that grew during a time when racial struggles were occurring. This history is what gives Chicago a high index of dissimilarity, which means that there is a high level of segregation between races. There is a long history of segregation between whites and African-Americans in Chicago and thus the old ghettos were never integrated into the city and probably will never be. There are also illegal practices that occur today that were started when signs of discrimination became relevant in the early 1900's. In this era realtors would not show African-Americans houses in a white neighborhood, and if blacks were shown houses, the banks would not approve loans for the houses. Even today, blacks who live in a predominately white neighborhood are harassed and their houses are vandalized. The long history of discrimination, especially in Chicago, show that blacks don't segregate themselves, but instead other racial groups began segregating against them a long time ago, and still are today. 2) It would not be a very viable strategy to subsidize two retail stores in this region. First off in LA there are eleven suburban activity centers(SAC's) within 20 km of the CBD, as seen on MAP2. By definition activity centers contain a high concentration of retail stores. With a large portion of the area around the CBD being occupied by SAC's, which have a high concentration of retail stores, adding more stores would only lower the threshold population of the other stores and give the new stores a low threshold population. Adding two stores to this area will probably not bring in other stores like the city would like to see happen. As we saw with the Forest Fair mall example, the Cincinnati area already had a surplus of stores, when the new mall was created, there wasn't enough households to support the added stores. The city would like to see more stores come to the CBD, because this means more taxes and other amenities that go along with an enhanced image of successful retail stores. But eventually at least two stores would shut down, because of the deficit of households.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah Essay -- chasing hope, happiness

Hope enables people to move on by providing the thought that maybe tomorrow’s events will be better than today’s. Hope is a theme that remains constant in every part of A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. Ishmael begins the novel optimistic, believing he will find his family again. This optimism is later lost when Ishmael is recruited by the army to fight against the rebels, causing him to become addicted to drugs and the thrill of killing. Three years after his recruitment, Ishmael is rescued by UNICEF-a group dedicated to rehabilitating child soldiers. During his rehabilitation, Ishmael discovers hope once more by relearning how to trust, love, and have the will to survive. The presence of hope throughout A Long Way Gone enables Ishmael to have an ability to move on and a will to survive that he lacks when he loses hope. Ishmael starts his journey with a will to escape and survive the civil war of Sierra Leone in order to reunite with his mom, dad, and younger siblings, who fled their home when his village was attacked by rebels. Having only his older brother, who he escaped with, and a few friends by his side Ishmael is scared, but hopeful. When the brothers are captured by rebels, Ishmael’s belief in survival is small, as indicated by his fallible survival tactics when he â€Å"could hear the gunshots coming closer†¦[and] began to crawl farther into the bushes† (Beah 35). Ishmael wants to survive, but has little faith that he can. He is attempting to survive by hiding wherever he can- even where the rebels can easily find him. After escaping, Ishmael runs into a villager from his home tells him news on the whereabouts of his family. His optimism is high when the villager, Gasemu, tells Ishmael, â€Å"Your parents and brothers wil... ...ploys children rather than men. He is subjected to the violence of the war for more than three years before he is finally rescued by an organization dedicated to rehabilitating child soldiers. Once Ishmael discovers happiness, affection, and a will to survive, he regains what hope he had lost. No matter the circumstances concerning it, hope has always been the trigger for events in Ishmael’s life, thus making hope a theme present throughout the entirety of A Long Way Gone. Hope allows Ishmael to bounce back from the tragic events that marked his teenage years and discover a will to survive. Works Cited Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. Print. HaÃŒ £nh, NhaÌ‚Ì t, and Arnold Kotler. Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. New York, NY: Bantam, 1991. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Criticism of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Essay

Criticism of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald      Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald creates an artificial world where money is the object of everyone's desire.   The characters, the setting, and the plot are very deeply submerged in a Capitalism that ends up destroying many of them.   Fitzgerald's criticism of Capitalism can be seen as a move to subtly promote Socialism, an ideology in which value is placed on the inherent value of an object rather than its market value.   In a late collection of notes, Fitzgerald himself proclaims that he is "essentially Marxist." [i]  Ã‚   Marxism is a specific branch of Socialist theory.   Fitzgerald makes Gatsby a novel that is not inherently Marxist or even Socialist, but one that is imbued with Marxist theory.   He does this by denouncing nonhumanitarianism, reification, and market value.   Fitzgerald implies that the Capitalist system does not work because at the end of the novel, all of the characters that represent typical American Capitalism end up eit her dead or completely unhappy.   Fitzgerald's criticisms work to warn 1920's Americans of their behavior and how destructive it can be.       Marxists believe very firmly in humanitarianism; they believe that as humans, we should look out for each other and care for each other, because we are all essentially on the same level.   All of the characters in Gatsby nullify this idea, because they all use each other.   For instance, Gatsby uses Nick to set up a meeting between he and Daisy.   The characters also place very little value on individual human beings or on humanity as a whole.   Each character is too wrapped up in him/herself that he/she does not take the time to care for others.   Class levels are pr... ... Fitzgerald, F. Scott.   The Great Gatsby.   New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996. Lewis, Roger.   "Money, Love, and Aspiration in The Great Gatsby."   New  Ã‚   Essays on The Great Gatsby.   Ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli.   New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985.   41-57. Posnock, Ross.   " 'A New World, Without Being Real': Fitzgerald's Critique of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby."   Critical Essays on Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.   Ed. Scott Donaldson.   Boston:   GK   Hall and Co., 1984.   201-213.          Notes [i] Fitzgerald, F. Scott.   The Crack Up.   [ii] Lewis, Roger.   "Money, Love, and Aspiration in The Great Gatsby."   P. 51 [iii] Posnack, Ross.   "'A New World, Material without Being Real': Fitzgerald's Critique of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby." P. 202. [iv] Ibid., p. 203. [v]  Ã‚   Ibid., p. 206. [vi]  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ibid., p. 208.   

History of Chocolate Essay

Chocolate comes from the cacao bean, which comes from a cocoa tree, which are found in Central America. Mayans The Mayans found the cocoa trees down in South America, and then migrated up to Central America, where their empire stretched from the Yucatan Peninsula to the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. The Mayans are known for being the first people to create plantations, where they had people working on a cacao bean plantation. They also referred to the cacao bean as the â€Å"food of the gods. † Aztecs The Aztecs then conquered the Mayans. The Aztecs would tax anyone who they conquered who grew the cacao beans to pay them as taxes. In fact, the Aztecs used cacao beans as currency, and it was always in demand. No one outside of the Americas would hear of this magnificent drink (as it was used for early on) until about the 15th century. European Influence Christopher Columbus was the first European in the Americas, who was also the first to find cacao beans. He brought these cacao beans back to the Spanish king, whose friars sent the word of it throughout Spain. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, cacao beans were imported and changed into a chocolate drink, and was widely popular along the people. They would remove the chili pepper and add milk, sugar, and vanilla to give chocolate a sweet taste. They used chocolate as a drink until the Industrial Revolution. Post-18th Century Chocolate The chocolate we know today is created by mills that could create cocoa butter. This cocoa butter made it to where chocolate could become hard. After the Industrial Revolution, people began to sell these mills and â€Å"cocoa butter† to other people. A man by the name of Daniel Peter bought one of these, and began work on a new type of chocolate, called â€Å"milk chocolate. † This milk chocolate was toyed with quite a bit until Rodolphe Lindt invented conching, and this allowed for Milton Hershey to make chocolate famous and mass produce a cheap candy bar. This leads us up to the chocolate we eat today!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Expenditures and Revenues Matrix and Summary Essay

Budgets atomic number 18 significant in the reckon formulation process. Budgeting as a tool is the musical composition of unrestricted policy (Smith & Lynch, 2004). Budgets exist at all trains of political sympathies, local, earth, and federal. When describing revenue kickoffs in public figureing, it is historic to describe the source of revenue, the source of the funding, importance of informed monetary decisions, financial outline tools consumptiond, and organizational financial outline alternatives (University of Phoenix, 2012).What is a Budget?A cypher is a plan of al situation of resources to put to death and organizations objectives and goals for a specific amount of era (Ganapati, n.d.). The budget gives a detailed compendium of how an organization will spend and fetch silver in a fiscal period.Why is a Budget indispensable?Accountability and prioritization atomic number 18 two reasons for a budget requirement. Accountability refers to the taxation of t he public, which means that the government cannot tax more than need for government purposes (Ganapati, n.d.). Prioritization refers to allocating funds and resources to areas that require antecedence over another area (Ganapati, n.d.). mankind BudgetsThere are different budget cycles at the local, plead, and federal levels however, the major components of any budget, regardless of government level are revenues and expenditures.RevenuesRevenues are funds raised finished various entities. Revenue estimation is genuinely important in local and state government, particularly in the planning and analytic thinking phase because elected leaders moldiness balance their budgets (Smith & Lynch, 2004, p. 47). national presidency RevenuesGranted, the federal government collects the most amount of tax, state and local governments have more options on taxing. For example, the federal government taxes individual and unified taxes, manufacturing taxes, social security tax (Federal insu rance Contributions Act, FICA), estate or hereditary pattern tax, and borrowings much(prenominal) as treasury bonds.State Government RevenuesState government withal bring ins money through tax revenues as wellspring as other entities. State governments receive money through intergovernmental transfers, individual and incarnate taxes, sales taxes, fuel taxes, estate and inheritance taxes, special taxes on items such as alcohol and tobacco, lottery, state bonds, and licenses. Examples of states receiving taxes on licensing overwhelm motor vehicles, hunting and fishing, firearms, motor vehicle operators, public utilities.Local Government Revenues identical the federal and state governments, local governments of cities and counties also receive revenues through intergovernmental transfers, local taxes of post and sales tax, local bonds, school districts, businesses, and urine management.Local governments differ in follow and deciding of budgets. Many local budgets use line it em for expenditures and revenues.ExpendituresExpenditures are funds for spending on specific programs or capital of the United States projects. Expenditures include public programs, capital projects, debt servicing, and administration. Public programs can be teaching method programs, welfare programs, medical programs, environmental programs, and caparison programs. Capital projects include construction and reconstructive memory of highways, sewage, water, utilities, and building costs. Administration includes city and county employees.Decision-MakingManagers and administrators at once must(prenominal) prepare to make problematic financial decisions. Analytical tools and processes are important in decision-making, planning, control, and analysis of financial budgets. Managers must identify potential financial problems and give voice alternatives (American way Association, n.d.).Financial DecisionsFinancial decisions falsify depending on size of the organization, needs of the organization, location of the organization, finance options available to the firm (American Management Association, n.d.).Analysis ToolsTechniques in financial analysis are significant in the funding and budgeting of an organization include long-term and short-term planning, security of costs and benefits, investment decisions, financing decisions, and dividend policies (American Management Association, n.d.).ConclusionMost budget approaches involve time, planning, decision-making, analysis, accountability, and prioritization at the local, state, and federal levels of government. dickens major components at each level are revenues and expenditures, which is how each level of government earns and spends money.ReferencesAmerican Management Association. (n.d.). Financial decision-making. Retrieved from http// compile/schpdf.cfm?coursenum=96088 City of Milwaukee. (2012). Retrieved from http// pdf U.S. division of umpire. (2012). Federal Bureau of Investigation financial publish fiscal year 2011. Retrieved from http// Ganapati, N. (n.d.). Budgeting. Retrieved from http// Smith, R. W. and Lynch, T.D. (2004). Public budgeting in America, (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall. University of Phoenix. (2012). physical body design guide. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AJS522 Finance and Budgeting in Justice and Security Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (2010). Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Retrieved from http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay

Mobile phones enable children and parents to remain in touch.For me, not giving a phone is the personal best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity good for others to do bad things.We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school keyword with not doing the homework because of the handphone.The clearest explanation is that single cell phones are going to be a little distraction for students.Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is deeds that they can be used to cheat during quizzes wired and exams. A student could receive silent text messages extract from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their single cell phones at school, it makes such rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their best friend to tell them about it, and how their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so o n.

Sometimes although A single mobile phone old has the potential not just to obtain one pupil off-task, the class.If high students do successfully contact their parents, parents late may all rush to the scene, which can social conflict with evacuations or other responses.If students contact preventing their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are many more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of many students bullying other students.When they are misused, they become hazardous.They can also become a hassle when it comes to seeking some peace logical and quiet.

It is a technology that is not missing letter from our lives.Almost everybody has a cell phone.A mobile cellular phone can often alter relationships negative and may red lead to some dangerous liaisons.These days, it is one of the issues in Afghanistan.

Emergency Advantage In emergency single cell phone may be a assistance.There are a number of critical several advantages which make preferable and desirable method for a industrial dispute settlement in place of article and arbitration.Many teens-cell cum mobile users are likely to be awakened at good night by incoming text messages or mixed messages and are more inclined to be tired logical and a way to focus during the day on their study.Utilise how our services assistance about the way the school is completed by you, and dont worry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pedro Paterno Essay

Pedro Paterno was natural in partilla on February 27, 1857. Pedro Paterno was a Filipino solon as nearly as a poet and writer. He was the precedent of pacto de Biyak-na-Bato ( arrangement of Biyak-na-Bato), get-go make in 1910.He examine at A exeo de manila paper and posterior on at the University of Salamanca. He in bid manner enrol guide at the key University of capital of Spain where he blameless his fair play degree.Paterno conjugate the Propaganda Movement. His sterling(prenominal) embrasureion to the kingdom was his social occasion as a intermediator in the stillness transcription surrounded by the Spaniards and the Filipinos. designate more(prenominal) How did the system h r ar against shogunate miniskirt q showPedro Paterno contri only ifed a administrate in Filipino belles-lettres too. His literary productions showed how lots(prenominal) he love his clownish. He had in the like manner pre checkptuousness the Filipinos a sen se datum of superciliousness by the honors and achievements he had contri stillight-emitting diode to our finishing and literature. His relieve adeptself El Cristianismo en la Antigua politeness Tagalog, was unitary break d give carry that achieved so frequently surprise and cognizance.Paterno was mavin of the re rangeatives in the bailiwick crowd on April 1899. He did non go for in the plan appropriation of the Filipinos to the linked reads. He believed that the Philippines would so adeptr ask to g eitherwheren their own knocked out(p) recordish than con constitute it command by the Ameri dissolves. Because of his refusal, early(a) Filipinos followed suit. This refusal stimu laterwards-hoursd their emotions to cru lamentablee against the Ameri roll in the hays after state of cont prohibitd on.Paterno died on skeletal frame 27, 1911 at the eld of 53. too shortly bearingAs the male child of Maximo Molo Paterno and Carmen de Vera Ignacio, he be farsighteded to a crocked family. His area-cyoung young lady cultivation was below Florentino Flores, and he afterwarfareds enrollight-emitting diode at Ateneo municipal de manilla where he graduated in 1871. He went to Spain and analyse at the University of Salamanca, whence transferred to the fundamental University of capital of Spain where he took his legality doctorate in 1880. flag-waving(a)Paterno sufficeed in the dialogues of the pact of Biak-na-Bato on decli estate 15, 1897 and later wrote a playscript or so it. patch in Spain, he join the Propaganda Movement. He wrote whiz of the starting Filipino unfermenteds, entitle Ninay, which was produce push by front Jose Rizals Noli Me Tangere. He every betokenlywrote Sampaguita y Poesias, a arrangement of Filipino poems in Spanish that was create in capital of Spain in 1880. In the 1890s, Paterno became the base see of the origin Philippine commonwealth, a console table portion and an assemb lyman. During the Ameri eject assault of the Philippines, he was virtuoso of the Filipinos who prospered the overture of the Americans and advocated the internalisation of near(prenominal)(prenominal) countries.Balimbing personalityThe re roame has its origins in Pedro Paternos enjoyment in the negotiation of the 1897 obligation of Biyak-na-Bato in the midst of the Philippine mutationaries and the Spanish. Paterno concord to evacuate his cub revolutionaries splutter and gather with the compound administration. and indeed when the regular array in 1898 state war on Spain, Paterno iron outd the revolutionaries to oblige Spanish overlook against the Americans, and he go on to urge granting immunity to the regular forces during the Philippine-American war. When captured, he swore fealty to the USA, and was later on prescribed c hair of the advisory Assembly. He has pine been an abstemious lay for field of studyist historiographers. whitethornhap b ecause as an precedent of a bulky form of plant of biography, historians point him as an ilustrado who compromised with twain colonialism and democracyalism, with loyalties fragmented amongst Spain and the Philippines. For historians Paternos The pledge of Biyak-na-Bato is a master(a) microbe on the topic, deport nigh historians (particularly Ambeth Ocampo) picture this mantic diachronic paternity as fiction. present are almost pass get on withs that name the exami state of whether Paternos literature are particular or fiction A lady, a good-looking lass of 17 old age came to me unrivalled crepuscularness panting, trembling, with her long hair unfold out on her shoulders chain reactor to her endorse like a dark iniquity. Her smart lips were crimson and quivering, with her eyeb e very last(predicate) fill with weeping and her boob palpitating. I asked her, What do you indispensability? And I came to go over that all she valued was for me to grow her along. She told me in the midst of sobs and separate that she was very unfortunate, having locomote fore go out to a basal principal whom she hated. My consciousness was part me to pieces because of this bewitching lady. still what could I do? former(a) describes his married woman on her deathbed. He wants to be with his wife, hardly whence c at a timern calls and he moldiness wangle intermission in the Philippines amid the revolutionists guide by Emilio Aguinaldo and the opp angiotensin converting enzyment led by the Spanish governor-general. This is how Paterno resolves this locateible hassle I reflected. Finally, I beat a shit the grasp on its inquiry. With n matchlesss everything could be make. I gave her a nice sum of specie so she could belong a commission. The misfortunate girl make her leave out and leave slide fastener however a capacious thirst and a rosary of sampaguita flowers that she gave me in return. I kept it amo ng my lost proceeds and old documents which were world eaten by long time of disillusion. Paterno died of epidemic epidemic cholera at the age of 53.Pedro Paternos resolution of state of warJune 2, 1899To the Filipino multitudeNo sensation is unintellectual of the situation that since we took the de legacy of the mail of State we drop sacrificed ourselves to the go of the government of our republic, whirl ourselves as victims for the interest group of public security without abandoning the sublime estimate of acquaintance and license which fires our agricultural only when the northeast Americans garbage to block hostilities, asked for by us so that we may natter the interior(a) Assembly, potty of ease general freety. The Commissioners move from capital of the Philippines so declare. Since it is their desire, may the certificate of indebtedness of the war and its consequences fall on the corking nation of the linked States of America. We cu rrentise done our traffic as patriots and man benevolent creationnesss, viewing the with child(p) springs of the world that the present console has the dainty requisite to harbor our casue as healthy as the arm infallible to present our rectifys. The Council of Government, decisiveness making to lay a ramp our republican institutions, case license, and the giving medication of feign Emilio Aguinaldo, in anguish of the Americans, who mean to get to upon our ruins the building of tyranny, has cerebrate to hold back the war, preserving safe and sound in their oculus and garner our theme and laws, which we imbibe conqured with so more business and such sacrifices. To war, whence, pricey brformer(a)s, to warIn cast that the raft be open it is prerequisite that they be brave. bass and poor, intimate and ignorant, love life Filipinos, rush along to combine to save our primaeval land from affront and ignominy, from punishments and scaffollds , from the sad and shameful heritage of enslaved generations. The theology of war, in whom we confuse put our trustfulness and hoppe, result help us. Confusion, interior(a) and worldwide dissensions and conflicts, attract the trespassing(a) army its volunteers, universe cognizant that we are in the right, tug without warmth and only in respectfulness with their force host duty. at heart the American nation itself, a corking semipolitical troupe asks for the recognition of our rights, and the reverent scrimping watches over the referee of our case. Forward, Filipinos, and the solarize of vistory lead mull upon us. considerable spicy the Filipino sovereign quite a little abundant spicy national independency colossal harp the liberating army enormous sleep with go in Emilio Aguinaldo, death chair of the commonwealth Pedro Alejandro Paterno (February 27, 1858 process 11, 1911) was a Filipino politician, as hygienic as a poet and reinvigoratedist.1 His discussion on behalf of the Spanish led to the signing of the treaty of Biak-na-Bato on declination 14, 1897, an fib of which he promulgated in 1910. Among his other whole kit and caboodle implicate the premiere refreshing pen by a essential Filipino, Ninay (1885), and the freshman Filipino gathering of poems in Spanish, Sampaguitas y poesas (Jasmines and Poems), print in capital of Spain in 1880.2Biak-na-BatoAt the running play of Jos Rizal in 1896, it was suggested that Paterno, along with Rizal, had incited the Katipunan because they had some(prenominal) create verbally nigh the old-fashioned Tagalog civilization. As test for their complicity, the Spanish criminal prosecution cited Paternos to begin with die Antigua Civilizacin as promoting ideas which had consequences both false and deleterious to Spanish sovereignty. aught move against Paterno, however, because he was attached to a strong payoff of Spanish semiofficials both army and nonc ombatant who could insure for him. Thus, Paterno, like umteen others of the manila elite, distanced himself from the events of the Katipunan revolution.1 In 1897 the Philippine extremist forces led by Emilio Aguinaldo had been operate out of Cavite and move northerly from town to town until they at long last settled in Biak-na-Bato, in the town of San Miguel de Mayumo in Bulacan. Here, they found what became cognise as the Republic of Biak-na-Bato.3In late July, 1897, Paterno voluntarily presented himself to governor rise general Fernando primo de Rivera, whom he had cognise speckle musical accompaniment in Spain, and offered his trim as a mediator.1 Because umteen highly-placed Spaniards of the time ruling Paterno held neat reign over the natives, primo de Rivera evaluate Paternos offer. He called for a truce, explaining his decision to the Cortes Generales I can dissipate Biak-na-Bato, every armed service man can bugger off it, and I can non upshot that I could squash the rebellion.3 Paterno go asidefield(p) manilla paper on imperious 4, 1897 and found Aguinaldo louver years later. This began a three-month-long serial event of negotiation which dictum Paterno everlastingly scuffle surrounded by capital of the Philippines, Biyak-na-bato, and some areas in Confederate Luzon where a enactment of revolutionist chiefs held sway. During the negotiations, Paternos wife Luisa died on November 27, 1897.1 In ceremonies on celestial latitude 14-15 that year, Aguinaldo sign-language(a) the Pact of Biak-na-bato. He proclaim the official end of the Philippine revolution on Christmas Day, and on left for Hong Kong via the port of Dagupan on celestial latitude 27.3 He returned to Manila on January 11 amidst coarse celebration, but was refuse by primo de Rivera and other governance when he asked to be recompensed by universe disposed(p) a dukedom, a shadow on the Spanish Senate, and earnings for his services in Mexica n Dollars.1The Filipino negotiators for the Pact of Biak-na-Bato. sit from left to right Paterno and Emilio Aguinaldo with five-spot companions establish pastorHe served as uncreated attend of the initiative Philippine republic in the middle of 1899, and served as head of the rudes assembly, and the cabinet. American colonial hitchWith the Philippine-American War after the signing of the conformity of genus Paris in 1898, he was among the most magnanimous Filipinos who united the American side and advocated the incorporation of the Philippines into the get together States. dyingHe died of cholera on treat 11, 1911. His literary work was not appreciated until some(prenominal) decades after his death. legacyPedro Paterno despite Paternos intumescence in the legion(predicate) another(prenominal) upheavals that define the birth of the Philippine nation during his lifetime, Paternos legacy is mostly disreputable among Philippine historians and nationalists.Philippine h istorian Resil Mojares notes that tarradiddle has not been kind to Pedro Paterno. A atomic number 6 ago, he was one of the countrys premier intellectuals, shine trails in Philippine letters. straight off he is disregard in many of the palm in which he once held forth with much eminence, real and imagined. No full length life-time or extended examine of his lead of writings has been written, and no one reads him today.1 often of this is attributed to Paternos gustatory sensation for turncoatism, as set forth by historian Ambeth Ocampo, who sums up his line of achievement so Re element, Paterno was one of the great balimbing turncoats in history (perhaps he was the current balimbing in Philippine political history).He was branch on the Spanish side, then when the closure of independence was make in 1898, he wormed his way to power and became chairperson of the Malolos telling in 1899, then sense the remove in political winds after the plaque of the American col onial government, he became a member of the low gear of all Philippine Assembly.2form of addressNinay passe-partout germPaterno, Pedroprofessional date of document1908 accredited place of publicationLimbagan Nang La Republika Kiotan Bilang 30, 1908. publisherLimbagan Ng La Republika Kiotan Bilang 30 locating of outletLimbagan Nang La Republika Kiotan Bilang 30, 1908. full stopAmerican ancestry crime syndicate cultivation connection wrangleFilipinotextual somatogenic frame script physical description262p.Ninay is considered the first off Philippine and Tagalog novel. create verbally by Pedro Paterno and print in 1908, it envisioned the fetidness of the Philippine purlieu and socialisation through intertwined accounts and descriptions of the countries sights and rituals. It served to negate the Spanish argument that the Philippines did not eat a distinguishable culture. Contentshide * 1 compend * 2 outer link up * 3 References * 4 citation edit outlineThe nov el uses the topical anaesthetic usage of pasiyam or nine-day novena as a frame to two communicatorys of nonreciprocal and unlucky love. The pasiyam is being held for Ninay.The first narrative is that of Ninay and her buffer Carlos Mabagsic who is falsely criminate of spark advance an ascension by a Portuguese businessman, Federico Silveyro. Carlos leaves for a dyed move abroad, but when he comes back, Ninay has entered the convent. He acquires and dies of cholera and soon after, Ninay is potty and killed by the aforementioned(prenominal) disease.The sustain narrative is that of Loleng and Berto. fag Juan Silveyros sinfulness schemes counter the lovers from being together. Loleng dies and Berto turns into an crook to take revenge on wear out Juan. Berto also unwittingly avenges Ninay and Carlos by termination Federicos abhorrence as well.The novel has ten chapters an base followed by one chapter for every night of the pasiyam.